среда, 9 декабря 2015 г.

Урок 22.11.2015

Відкритий урок 22.11.2015

Клас:  4-А                                           

Дата:   22. 10. 2015                                                                     
Тема:  Чим ти зараз займаєшся

узагальнити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал теми; закріпити граматичний матеріал з теми : «Present Continuous Tense»

активізувати використання запитань “What doing?”  та граматичних структур “S + Ving в мові учнів;

продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення на рівні мікровисловлювання з порою на таблиці;

практикувати в використанні ЛО в мові учнів; 

практикувати учнів у письмі;

розвивати кмітливість, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію;

виховувати культуру спілкування і колективної співпраці.  

Тип уроку:  комбінований

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, таблиці, пісня,

презентація « Теперішній тривалий час»

                                                                                                                                                                 Хід уроку

I.ПІДГОТОВКА ДО СПРИЙНЯТТЯ ІНШОМОВНОГО МОВЛЕННЯ Greeting       Good morning, children!  Glad to see you.                                                    
                                      Aim           T:  Today’s topic is “What are you doing?”

Warming up    “ Song”.     

          II. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ                                                                              Home task:      Bnp.2 с. 11


Make up the negative and interrogative:
1. I am listening to music.

 Let’s remember the rule.


He, She, It
You, We, They
          at the moment

“ Song”.     

Table work: Make up as many sentences as you can using the table.


Dan and Ted
doing homework.
 riding the bike.
setting the table for dinner.
listening to news.
planting flowers.
playing with the dog.


    Game “Builders” Make up the words in the present continuous.

Cook-, stand-, read-, play-, fly-, help-, watch-, sleep-, wash-, clean-, write-, go-,

Reading:     Read the text and fill in the Present Continuous

We are at home now. My mother is (to cook) at the kitchen now. I am (to help) her. My dad is (to make) tea now. Our granny is (to drink) tea at the moment. My brother Evan is (to read) comics now. My sister Cindy is (to do) her lessons. Our baby Ben is (to play) with his ball now. Our dog is (to sleep) now.

Listening Ex.1 p.57 Listen and say.

Vicky: This is Vicky speaking.

Tom: Hi, Vicky.

Vicky: May I talk to Bill?

Tom: Sorry, he is busy.

Vicky: What is he doing?

Tom: Bill is cleaning his room.

Vicky: Can I talk to Kate?

Tom: No, you can't. She is busy.

Vicky: What is she doing?

Tom: Kate is making a cake.

Come and see.

 Speaking:   Fill in I, she, he we, you, they

What is Bill doing? —                  is cleaning his room.

What is Kate doing? —              is making a cake.

What are you doing? —            am watching TV.

What are they doing? —            are playing games.                                                     What are we doing? —               are studying.

Game   “What are you doing?” You have got cards with the actions. Show the action and pupils will try to guess your card.


What are you doing? – I am ….

What are they doing? – They are…

What is he doing? – He is…

What is she doing? – She is…

Writing   Make up the sentences using the Present Continuous.

1. Alice and Ron…(to sit) in a café now.

2. I…(to watch) the children playing in the yard.

3. The kitten…(to sleep) now.

4. Pam …(to stand) too close to the road.

5. We…(to wash) hands in the bathroom.

  CARDS      Choose the right answer:

1. Children… playing in the yard now.

A) is 

B) am

C) are

2. I….doing morning exercises at the moment.

A) is

B) am

C) are

3. Sara…writing her homework now.

A) is

B) am

C) are

4. My father is…the book now.

A) reads

B) reading

C) read

5. We are….at school at the moment.

A) studying

B) study

C) studies.


 Homework      Ex.2  Read the text, write down into copybooks.

Summarizing : Т: What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson? Do you like to speak English to each other? Your marks are: 



1. Table

Dan and Ted
doing homework.
 riding the bike.
setting the table for dinner.
listening to news.
planting flowers.
playing with the dog.

2. Read the text and fill in the Present Continuous

We are at home now. My mother is (to cook) at the kitchen now.                            I am (to help) her. My dad is (to make) tea now.                                                 Our granny is (to drink) tea at the moment.                                                       My brother Evan is (to read) comics now.                                                        My sister Cindy is (to do) her lessons.                                                              Our baby Ben is (to play) with his ball now.                                                                 Our dog is (to sleep) now.

      3. Fill in I, she, he we, you, they

What is Bill doing? —                  is cleaning his room.

What is Kate doing? —              is making a cake.

What are you doing? —            am watching TV.

What are they doing? —            are playing games.                                                     What are we doing? —               are studying.

4. Make up the sentences using the Present Continuous.

1. Alice and Ron…(to sit) in a café now.

2. I…(to watch) the children playing in the yard.

3. The kitten…(to sleep) now.

4. Pam …(to stand) too close to the road.

5. We…(to wash) hands in the bathroom.

Say what is happening at the moment:

1) I (take) a shower now. I am taking a shower now.

2) He (swim) in the lake now. He is swimming

3) My brother (read) books. My brother is reading.

4) Look! They (jump). They are jumping.

5) My mother (cook) the dinner. My mother is cooking.